As the children in your home grow older, they often spend more time in their room. The amount of electronics in these rooms may increase as well. This includes personal electronics, televisions, video game consoles, and lights among others. Following proper electrical safety tips will help ensure teens are safe in their rooms.
Learn tips on using devices properly and having the upgraded necessities to prevent any major problems.
In an average teenage bedroom, they could have a phone, tablet, portable console, home console, and television all plugged into the outlets at the same time. Besides personal electronics, a room may include self-grooming products like a hair dryer or beard trimmer.
Plugs are easier to manage when outlets in the home are current. A number of outlet upgrades include built-in USB ports. By using direct USB ports as opposed to standard plugs, teens can prevent sparking or overloaded plugs. Problems like sparking may commonly occur, especially when teens might pull high-powered devices in and out.
The upgrades will give more room to plug in devices and prevent using extension cords or power strips. Overloaded outlets are a common cause for fires, and minimizing these issues will help keep your teen safe in the room.
Along with standard lights in the room, a teenager may have small lamps, mirror lights, or extra lights in their room. Typical light bulbs may get hot and cause fire hazards, especially in a messy room where papers and clothes are not well-organized.
To reduce the amount of heat from a light, upgrade your teenager's room with all LED lighting. Not only does LED lighting use less electricity than regular bulbs, but LED lighting does not heat up like those standard bulbs as well. And for teenagers who stay up late, an LED dimmer light allows the teen to adjust the light brightness as needed.
Lights are also useful for safety reasons. For example, you can use LED light strips just outside the bedroom in case your teen needs to use the bathroom at night. Adding small touches will help prevent incidents and also increase the safety in the home.
When choosing lights, you may select LED bulbs to go into traditional sockets or LED lights on their own. For example, LED floor lamps and desk lamps have LED bulbs in them. The bulbs also last a lot longer than traditional bulbs, removing the need for replacing bulbs on a regular basis. As your teen grows, they can use these same lamps in a college dorm or apartment.
With every device or charger a teenager owns, a long cord often goes with it. Keep the cords organized to prevent cords from breaking or getting tangled. Organized cords also prevent any type of tripping hazards. Even cords stuffed behind a desk have the possibility of creating major problems.
Cords should be open to the air. If cords are covered with clothes, blankets, or books, the cords may overheat and create a fire hazard. A separate area in the teen's room should have an open space for the cords.
Discard and do not use older chargers and cords with exposed wires or excessive heat. Inspect cords every couple of months to keep up with their condition and prevent any problems building up over time.
For all of your electrical needs, contact us today at Presley & Son Electric Service. We can inspect your child's room and ensure everything is safe and up to code. We also welcome any questions and concerns you may have about electrical safety, products, and services.